Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu?

Who has ever heard of the swine flu before now? I sure haven't. There is no need to panic! The government should take more action to educate the people about this mysterious flu. Especially the states closest to Mexico.
Carnival Cruise lines have refused to cancel their cruises to Mexico, understandable considering the don't want to loose money, but why would people WANT to go to a place where they could contract a killer flu so easily? Beats me. I think it's because people aren't educated enough about the swine flu. If they knew more about it and they might be able to make smarter choices. All I've heard on the news is to wash your hands and how many people have died, is that all we can do!?

Wash your hands. Don't let people sneeze or cough on you. Go to the doctor. I mean c'mon, these are things that people should be doing already. It just shows me how dirty our country is becoming.

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