Sunday, May 10, 2009

Awake for 11 days straight

Recently we've found out that one of the torture methods used during the Bush administration was keeping potential terrorist suspects awake for 11 days to break their will. Obama outlawed this in January. I agree to outlawing cruel and unusual punishment, but I don't find this to be like that. If they get tired, they can just talk, they are basically doing it to themselves by not talking. I'm a big fan of lie detectors, I don't know why they just don't use those all of the time it's simple and straight forward... yes or no, lie or truth.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Comment on Virgin Blogger

Normally you have to spend money to make money. In our economy right now, that is obviously not working. Everyone wants it to change over night and people don't realize that that can't happen. I agree when you say it's going to come bite us in the ass and cause our children, even our adulthood even more problems than we have right now. Stop the spending.

virgin blogger

Swine Flu?

Who has ever heard of the swine flu before now? I sure haven't. There is no need to panic! The government should take more action to educate the people about this mysterious flu. Especially the states closest to Mexico.
Carnival Cruise lines have refused to cancel their cruises to Mexico, understandable considering the don't want to loose money, but why would people WANT to go to a place where they could contract a killer flu so easily? Beats me. I think it's because people aren't educated enough about the swine flu. If they knew more about it and they might be able to make smarter choices. All I've heard on the news is to wash your hands and how many people have died, is that all we can do!?

Wash your hands. Don't let people sneeze or cough on you. Go to the doctor. I mean c'mon, these are things that people should be doing already. It just shows me how dirty our country is becoming.

Monday, April 6, 2009

two sides to every story

Everyone knows that each media outlet portrays its own side of the story, and most of the time it is skewed. In a democratic blog they talk about this. After talking to Pres. Obama Europe has agreed to send troops to Afghanistan to help during the elections this August. It is as easy as changing one word that can effect the whole article. The article in the UK said that they were sending a substantial amount of troups to help in Afghanistan, and the article in America said that they would be sending few troops and used very negative words. They claimed that Obama would send 68,000 troops when in reality the math only adds up to 21,000. After I read this I remembered all during the election how much Obama said we should get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, yet he's sending more troops over there? This is why I try not to pay attention to politics, I feel like they always lie to get ahead and it bothers me. Tell the country that you're running the truth and if you make a promise, you should keep it.

Is our criminal justice system broken?

This question has been on people's minds for some time now. Prisons are becoming over crowded, gang crime has risen, and it's getting expensive. In an editorial by the New York Times it talks about a bill being passed to try and fix our prison system. People are facing harsher sentences and the "one, two, three strikes your out" way of thinking. I feel like if someone isn't a danger to other people that they shouldn't be sentenced to go to prison for such a long amount of time, it costs us so much money to keep people there. Probation works just as well, and maybe if they break their probation they could face a harsher punishment. Our prisons have become so overcrowded and gang violence has risen because of it. If there aren't as many people in prison, prison gangs have no one to recruit. In the end it all works out better.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Nuclear Weapons

Ever since nuclear weapons have been created it has been very controversial. Where to test them, who can and can't have them. The U.S. Government is trying to mend relations with Russia and as for their help to stop Iran from creating nuclear weapons. This article is worth reading because it has an important effect in our future. If Iran creates an atomic weapon they could start another Cold War. Do you want this to happen?

Missile Sheild Plan